Want to become part of RSR?
We are looking to add to our RSR family and welcome back our old crew. The first day of riding for 2023 will be Sunday, April 16th. Below is a list of new training along with a refresher class. For insurance purposes, it is mandatory that all volunteers attend at least one class. Taking a side walker training or a leader training class does not guarantee that you will be used in that position, it is up to the sole discretion of the instructor of that lesson. Our first goal for every class is safety.
Our riders do not deal well with change, when you choose a time slot to join, you are expected to be at that time slot for the entire 7 weeks of riding. You build up a relationship with your rider that comes to trust and rely on; you become their best friend and partner. Life is hard enough and we all need friends!
We want you to be part of our team and all that we do! Whether you have lots of experience working with children with special needs or horses, or no experience at all, you can still be a part of all that we do.
We have several volunteer positions available throughout the year. If you have a different skill to offer that might not match this list, let us know and we'll find a place for you. No previous experience is required.
Barn Chores/Grooms: These are the volunteers that take care of the horses and property from day to day. They truly are the unsung heroes of our program! Shifts are available every day for AM shifts, and Monday-Thursday for PM shifts. This role includes cleaning stalls, feeding our animals, and other on-site tasks.
Lesson Sidewalkers/Leaders: Sidewalkers and Leaders are what make our therapy sessions run! These folks learn how to assist with our riding lessons and work with the riders during their session. This role is seasonal, from April-October. We ask that anyone wanting to be a sidewalker or leader be able to commit to one lesson a week for the 7-week session during that lesson season. This helps us keep consistent volunteer/rider/horse pairings. Any training will be provided at the barn!
Please note: Our on-site volunteer roles are very active! Volunteers should be comfortable lifting 40-50 lbs. and being on their feet for the majority of the shift.
Ready to jump in?
Follow these 3 easy steps to become a RSR volunteer making the difference in the lives of so many!
- Fill out the Volunteer Form online using the blue Individual Volunteer Form button.
- We'll reach out to you once we have your information in order to schedule a barn tour. This is a way for us to show you our program and property, and to make sure our volunteer work is right for you! Please note - a barn tour is required BEFORE your first volunteer shift for your safety and the safety of the staff and horses.
- In the meantime, feel free to check out some of our training materials
Once you have had your tour and decided we are the right volunteer program for you, you can also look into attending one of our more formal volunteer trainings (see below) for assisting with lessons.
If you encounter any issues with signing up online, please reach out to [email protected].
Current volunteers
In order to sign up for sessions and make sure you can communicate with our volunteer coordinator and instructors please sign-up to be on our Slack group! Slack is a chat application that we use to communicate with our volunteers for barn chores and lessons. If you have any technical issues signing up, please reach out to the volunteer email ([email protected])
Please note: we are no longer actively using the Remind App for volunteer communication (as of 2022). Please make every effort to switch over to Slack as soon as you are able!
Need to get some Ready Set Ride apparel to wear? That's easy! We have a company that make items for us and part of the proceeds come back to the barn!
- G4equine - Click here to view Ready Set Ride's apparel. Once you've selected your item, visit their order form by clicking here.
2023 Training Session Dates
Some Reminders: Our insurance requires that all volunteers be at least 14 years old and attend one training even if you are a returning volunteer.
To participate in the training, we are asking for a $25 gift card to anywhere (Target, Wal-mart, Red Robin...etc.) that will be used at our Annual Auction on May 20th!
- March 12th Sunday Side Walker Training 10 am to 1 pm
- March 18th Saturday Leader Training 10 am to 1 pm
- March 19th Sunday Leader Training 10 am to 1 pm
- March 25th Saturday Side Walker Training 10 am to 1 pm
- March 26th Sunday Mandatory Refresher 11 am to 1 pm
All classes will start with a brief stall cleaning and include a short tacking up demonstration. Classes will be held no matter the weather so please dress accordingly and in appropriate footwear. Water and snacks are provided.
These special needs riders gain strength, core muscle, empathy, self-confidence, speech development, eye-hand coordination, and so much more. Each rider requires three helpers. You will get so much more from helping, I promise!